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Efterspurgte oversættelser - vio27goe

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Søgeresultater 1 - 2 ud af ca. 2
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For denne oversættelse bedes om "kun betydning".
Engelsk Otto's pilot's license falls down from the...
license falls down from the treetop and Brian picks it up. Walk
east to the quicksand area. Grab the floating object in the quicksand to get
Otto's goggles (Brian takes a branch to reach them). Try to climb the rock at
the left side of the quicksand to find that the rock is too slippery. Walk west
to the hydroplane area and look inside the hatch to find a tank of water, a
tool and a can of anti-slippage spray (if the anti-slippage spray isn't in the
va rog e pt un joc am nevoie.multumesc

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